Tag: little boys and girls

Pray for Afghanistan

What you will see here are Photographs I just found @Unsplash by two Afghan Adventure Photographers, unsure if safe to publish names.

Wherever you are, we pray for your safety. Thank you for these stilling Captures

Pic N. D.
Pic S.G.

As people and parliaments the world over work towards an almost impossible Peace, we pray for wings like an eagle, for every child, man & woman – God that we would fly to You, our Rock of Soul Shelter,

Oh Father we ask that little boys and girls will run again in the streets, for the sound of guns going away, and the music of joy like hinds feet in high places… I pray that ...

Pic S. G

..that we be healed by the wounds of the Cross; & that the Blood of Jesus shed for all, will quench human cravings;

Pic S.G.

..that the Light of the World dawn, as only Light can, lifting the dark

Pic S. G.
Pic S.G.

That raiders of body & soul, & you and I hear the Voice of God breathing Peace

Pic N. D.
Pic N.D.

Above Paragraph written by N.D.

Thankyou both, you amazing humans. We wish you safety, joy, & peace but above all, we wish you Jesus.