Tag: Evening

I used to be an owl

now am a Morning bird. How on earth did that happen? What arrived, what left?

12 was my sunrise, now I switch to 5am? Here the head is clean. Am rushing out to check my Light: the heart curious – a little like how 7 years old was, drinking Dew, touching the mist as if for the first time.

How does the body shift gear like that? Dec 2nd. Am grinning 360 °. Herbal Tea and Morning Med (meditation) does that?

…oh didnt that happen in my previous 12 AM midnight- owl self? Sure did. But after a whole day of images in our head, chances are we might be colored by events/ people, all that.

So yes. This morning WP Prompt kick-started a bit of Gratitude : that I’ve no more need to be begged out of bed. My beloved had to woo me to toothpaste most mornings. What changed?

Brain morph? Sure. I loved the quiet of midnights. Now its the stillness of dawn. Both have their story on our earth spinning spinning 1,038 mi/hr (1,670 km/hr):

I am still Left handed, but ive gotten ambidextrous. This Logical brain now met with the Creative? You tell me.

The Light Logical and Creative dispels the dark
Darkness tries hide It but the Light pierces shadows in room corners and hinges of doors. Darkness leaves when Dawn turns It off.

Are you too a Combo? My daughter says I’m an extroverted Introvert. Hmm. (There’s days I’d rather talk to trees than humans).

Then again, aren’t we a DNA pile, effected by Bloods, healed, hit, dying, made over, genteel, unkind, we are light and darkened, we birth/ kill, we are the salt, we are the tears that salt our seas, we the sands of the earth we walk on, we steal, destroy, plead guilty, play, whip, abuse, bless.

🌍r maybe some of us are Dight or Niay – jumbling words Day and Night: (googled👆🏼 these 2 kicked up words & found this😃)

DIGHT : adjective: Equipped. Verb: Prepare.NAIY Purpose, Personality)

What its like for you? Enjoy the hours ahead, in the Light of true wisdom. That’s what we ache for finally, na?

May the Light always find you,

Prompt WP & FMF WRITERS – Left

Daily writing prompt
Are you more of a night or morning person?

Bouquet from the King

The room gasps: outside our window beneath a hunch of trees, it’s there. In a rush of light & stillness … a Bouquet from the King, in a fuss of forest early evening mist. “For you.” He whispers;

I fling my mind down and lunge to where we get a closer angle: this pic doesn’t do justice to what real-time iris sees in 360 panoramic degrees of an October going to November, in the wake of ..

PiCourtesy Vihan


.. of Year 2020 tip toeing on all our nerves. I’m certain 2020 feels bad by now, and we aren’t breathing easy yet, not me. Woke up this morning feeling like I’m on Mt.Everest and scared to look down….

then He sends us a Bouquet among 295+ shades of green tender/ savage noon light.

Heart slamming our ribs we stare at His bouquet staring at us in equal devotion: every curl, petal and sepal, a startling testament of Him, His unshakeable Kingdom around our little planet.

I look up at Light filtering through nearby trees and see another Bouquet closer: its orange blossom flushed with rain. These trees were always here, now they are no longer just trees,

they are Messengers from the Creator: His voice in startling tones I never really thought were specific convo with me, in this here tiny moment no one else might even notice. Vihan, my daughter grins and says, “Yeah Ma, you’d catch this! Now pl Blog post it? “

The picture we managed here, barely captures what really was, pulsing with His 7D Presence! I needed to share it with you this eve of November: a Bouquet for you from the King.

Photograph : Vihan


May you too be startled by wild insane Events in corners just waiting for you to notice Him-

notice His Messages of Unblinking Love, no matter the forecast. Nothing mortal compares with His presence- NOTHING.

Thankyou & looking forward!

Okayeeee! My first attempt at this, shaky albeit, in our messy:) creative space at home; but needed to say thankyou and too, if you’re on U tube – will be putting out Vihan’s Debut album EVENING WITH GRACE, the best in contemporary worship music I’ve ever heard! Description in Utube has a bit on that.

It’s a season of gratitude in my heart and home, gratitude to friends who’ve been so supportive, and God, the source of my Joy!

I’ve been writing a bit more than usual, hence the quiet days here at Innerdialects. However, I might be trying to talk Vlog here. Let’s see how this works. Happy thoughts, but let’s see. My heart is full of reasons to say thank you Lord God! It’s been an insane year for us all as Nations, but also a season of inner dialogue…. for me, and for you too I guess? Hmm. I had to absolutely conquer my fear of the camera to do this one…. for my little girl who does every possible thing she can to get me going! ‘Evening with Grace‘ happened to her all in one evening as she sat with God: 9 songs in exquisite arrangements and vocals (all hers!)that make me cry everytime I hear snippets in passing as Noe and Vi edit these beauties. I’m blessed to be able to put this out.

Thankyou dear Blogging community for every Like and Comment or Read,

in a time like this one, this space has been a Den of Joy for me. God bless you for being there, and for being who you are, fabulous!