Tag: #Blog writers

Healing from one bullet

I just saw this piece by Malala. If you haven’t heard about her, read on.

The chaos being experienced right now is not a distant event: it is the scream of humans that will follow us in ways we can’t know yet. What can we do? I’m praying. There’s people praying that those who can make a difference will do so.


New every morning

Refresh my soul, let the doors of you, open to Peace. Let everything within breathe Grace. May our mind lean on Him whose mercies never fail, they are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness. Greater than all my bounteous lack. His power in my weakness, oh the fact of that. Not I but Christ in me, not the dark, but the Light in me. ReNew every morning soul, stay blest.



My Earth-Day song

Shhhlisten to me pace

You my celebrated Earth, my Jewel of Heav’n: your hills are my Psalms,

Elijah O’Donnell. Unsplash.

your rain ~ my answered Prayer, rinsed by day by night, by silver crested twilight;

Om Prakash Sethia,Unsplash.

they are hoarse with saying : “...there is more,

Olivier Miche. Unsplash

there is more than rational 365, 24×7 glory & gore; shhhlisten

to what summer screams in winter’s core..

Tim Barrett.Unsplash

ashes & dust try bury humans, but they and stars and all Earth neighbours e’en

know that we are more than mortal tree and sod, we are the little Footstool of understanding, at the Feet of God…'”

Tim Barrett. Unsplash.

Ay. We Gravity’s babes too may ignore what Mars & all Earth’s neighbours do so know,

Jacqueline Day. Unsplash.

that we are the Resting place of the Steps of God, Ssshhlook-


E. DONELL Unsplash.

“…away from men and towns, to the silent wilderness, where the soul need not repress its music.” P. B. Shelley



Hopefully by now you know that any Ads. seen here are not my brand, nor my endorsement for any gain, except that I use WordPressFreeblog, a Site I bless for its otherwise perfect Web in a time like this where Essentials too do not always deliver. Thankyou all. Have a great EarthDay, everyday.