
This one day after months of gazing thru a dark glass at Life? …this one day began a series of clear eyed adventure among new things not seen before. New things you make. Creative! You say. Half sigh, but I love what happens when we’re not looking. Love how when we least expect it we are surprised by fantastic twig going beserk in the sun, drugged by morning dew and trail of breeze in it. Am I feeling Easter already? Maybe! Sunrise colors at dusk, is a surprise I’m telling you. Away from the city, the sun is closer, liquid. And I’m reminded there’s a design to everything, nothing is random.

Wreathe from dried creeper ‘neath old forest trees few miles away.

A field of marigold, green against buttered yellow petals in rows and rows and the air a pungent smack of earth, nothings random here. We stop, park and stare. Photography cannot capture sun rays sweeping the sky with giant brooms of Light. Not like we’ve not seen Light this way before? What, we’ve changed? As a race, are we staring more at nature? Are we returning to how we used to feel about fields and skies racing us as we travel? Is knowledge more sharp edged, less cheap? Why does Beauty hurt the eye, with its dare? As if here there is no other design except to shine.

Friday five minute writers : prompt : Design

5 thoughts on “Designer

  1. I absolutely love “A field of marigold, green against buttered yellow petals in rows and rows and the air a pungent smack of earth, nothings random here ” Beautiful work.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Creation is never random and our place in this beautiful masterpiece is important! When we find our spot life takes on a deeper meaning and we shine brighter! Thanks for the reminder!!

    Liked by 1 person

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