Emotional Civilization

I’ve been intrigued by Olivia Laing’s article ‘How to be alone’, which yelled for attention in my Google search for global pulse few months ago.

E.Hopper’s Night Hawk. Net pic


We have been a planet of People Groups: Consumers/Givers/Sitters/ Standers/ Travellers/ Chatterers… We talked of things we knew;

now it feels like we are Letters we never knew we could write, read by people we may never see, and it all breathes close enough to be real. 

Quoting O.Lang, “The weird gift of loneliness is that it grounds us in our common humanity. However frightened we may feel we have never been less alone.” 

(Her words stand tall and stark among all our comment on life issues, ach! Things more devastating than Covid: racism, depression …after the Mr. Floyds and recent spate of suicides, oh Economic crises et al, we know better);

Lang covers Ed. Hopper’s painting ‘Night Hawk’, along with twitter’s colorless version of Hopper’s Hawk in the age of Coronavirus..’ 

Ugh but yes, the aspect of Colour draining from us as we grow 3 feet from each other and gaze at new leaf, beetle, ant for sweet newness,

this is war on wars of Likes, Shares, Claps, War on self impositions where we once screamed to be heard, known, read…

Today there’s a mirror on the wall and it edits nothing of our Global Face staring at Us like never before:  

a Stare that visits possibly once every Era.

And this. That we have never been less alone:

here I am every human, mid new madness and uncertainty:

this new Status is louder than the noise of everything else we’ve known. May we all live to look back on these times as vital chapters of Emotional Civilisation…..if we have the time to….(more) ..

In our Quest for Peace, maybe our hunger will lead us to what truly fulfills: oh, our thirst quench our aimless dissatisfaction. Maybe poverty of spirit is necessary to strip us of materialism. Maybe when we are weak we are strong. Maybe when Feet are cut away we find Wings that rise us up to new Air more varified than Oxygen. It has a new name: It breathes the breath of a Three letter Word: God. How could we step in the divine if we think we are only physical? Loneliness is a Reflector. We are the moon to a Light too strong to look at. We are met with the silence of the sun and it burns into our skin a new awareness of life as it now is. We are not in control anymore. Not parliaments, not horses and kings can decipher a pokey horned virus that has us gagging in masks and gear we wouldn’t have touched last year this time. We’ve been paintings in the wall. We’ve been silenced by the bleating of social approval, but not anymore.

I look in the mirror and see a new me, she is unafraid of honesty…. time is way too short to waste in formalities. We are more than paint and walls. We are more than conquerors through Him who loved/ loves us so wide and deep and long… it reaches through all my anxiety…

Love like that makes me need a moment alone, to just digest the Unseen. Its where we are each headed: Its Face is pure unadulterated Love. Love unlike ours’ …Pursuing, waiting, healing, forgiving, eternal & beyond the embrace of a Society that is perhaps too numbed to not be suspicious of Power like that. Choose Life or Death, Love or Hate, indifference and acceptance. How many choices have we left? How many days in which to choose…

yea may these be vital moments of Emotional Civilisation.

Rayla N.

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8 thoughts on “Emotional Civilization

  1. Raylarn this is so beautifully written. I love what you say about God’s love, all true, this virus puts things in perspective real quick. I love the piece you wrote and you are right now is not the time to be silent about God’s love. We don’t know what His plan is for us. Thank you for this blessing this morning my friend. We all need God’s love and grace right now more than ever. Have a blessed day and love to you and your wonderfully talented and beautiful family. ❤️💕💖🤗Joni

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Joni,
      Hi. Good to hear from you and know you are all well and safe! That in itself is such great news😃. Yea we need the reminders I see in notes you write back, the warmth of life that is still so beautiful. Gratitude. .Rayla

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Edward Hopper’s paintings (many done 80-90 years ago) are strangely representative of our times – even with all the noise out there. Our prayer is that the emptiness and emotional poverty that people experience will drive them to God.

    Liked by 1 person

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