Covid Miracle

The past few days I’ve been impatient for a real nice surprise. D’you feel like that recently? And I mean yelling impatient. Crying impatient. Life began to feel boring, staccato boringgggh.

Patient: Accept or
tolerate delay,
or suffering without
becoming annoyed
or anxious.

But! not! today!

My husband and second daughter Kitsy were out on another highly budgeted shopping round for Essentials; food stores are at their emptiest, blockades have come up right across our main, I think we’re cordoned off as some Covid hotspots are being sectioned off here in Bangalore. Hmm scary.

Never mind. So Kitsy and Jeff go out the door with mask and warnings about ‘The Budgie’ (budget): our Kitsy has sweet tooth, sweet fingers, sweet everything. She lives for shopping, adores food racks, or any activity that includes sale of edibles, wearables, bakeables.

Net pic

Anyway, they were driving up to local Store, when a very young girl looks in at window and says a word, “Rice.” She was requesting. This meant now, for our 20 year old to not just part with something from her list, but also to help this kid get her bag of rice, I mean buy it for her. The girl didn’t know how to handle those counters and two meter sections of long queue outside in a chalked bubble enroute to the inside of Reliance Fresh. Which Kitsy did too, her face beaming with curious pleasure as they got back home….

but they… we all had a bigger surprise. We get a surprise gift from a long distance friend. The gift he sent was a hundred times more than what our Rice-Girl got from us. What d’you say to that?

I don’t know about your country, but here it’s tough enough without looking into needs of Migrant workers/ daily wage workers left high and dry without the everyday wage they depend on for existence. I just do not know what to say enough about everything. It is all too much too think on. Personal needs/ citizen needs. You can grow multi-coloured hair just thinking on everything that can go wrong, and there is terrifyingly little one can do except do the next thing you can.

Sigh. Sometimes it is hard to even reach them with a helping hand, at a time like this. Restrictions are now at the gate. We daren’t all go out together, leave alone visit another section of community. I’m so glad that Rice Girl arrived when she did. Glad she got that basic need met: and look at what God did, at probably the exact time Kit was at that sales counter.

It is past midnight… so ‘Easter ‘ already here. We need more than essentials in this time of existence. We need Life and Life abundant. May the Risen Lord Jesus Christ fill your heart with His Touch, His Presence.

Our Kitsy used to get ‘spooked’ at prayers like that, till she began praying her own brand of little impatient prayings. Prayers to please let her older sis stop being annoying, or to please help Joh her brother just behave. Words from her young heart that were true and real; as I watch her life unfold I’m more and more convinced of a God who walks with us, and stalks our needs in His own inimitable way.

I pray everyone will get back jobs and health, but too, that we will never forget the times we prayed and were answered. I asked for a nice surprise, thankful Heavenly Father for a beautiful one at that!

Impatience is a good thing sometimes.

12 thoughts on “Covid Miracle

  1. NIce always to have a chance to help, nice always to have unexpected gifts.I join you in the prayer that Jesus will fill all hearts with His Life, His Love, His Touch, His Presence and all will be healed, made Whole, Restored to Life in Fullness, Eternal Life!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh thankyou so much for that beautiful and much needed prayer. If we would ALL go that, the earth would surely be a better place for every neighbour, friend or foe. Thankyou so much for being here and saying what you did. God bless you!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. What a terrific statement: ” You cant outlive God”….
      Will remember that forever, and esp at a time like this when its hard to, but we must look out for each other the best we can.
      God bless you for always stopping by to leave a beautiful line or two.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I wish you a Happy Easter from North Carolina where it is still Saturday evening. In the morning my sister and I will gather at our computer to participate virtually in the Easter worship service at our church. It seems an odd way to have worship, but it’s a blessing of technology that we can have community that way. We wonder for how many more weeks or months we can’t gather at the church. We took it for granted until this pandemic.

    Life here is apparently much like it is in Bangalore these days, except I live in a fairly rural area while you live in a large city. We have restrictions for shopping for groceries, too. In order not to go inside the store, on Wednesday my sister sent our grocery order to the store for a store employee to collect our items. They have had so many such orders that she can’t go to the store’s parking lot to pick up our order until Tuesday afternoon. We will find out then if everything we ordered was in stock. Other than that, we have no plans to leave our house for at least three more weeks. It’s a good thing I’m an introvert and don’t mind staying home.

    I enjoyed your Covid-19 miracle story. I, too, have experienced times like that when the Lord supplied a need right when I needed it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wishing you a blessed day indeed from our home. Meant to reply earlier but twas such a day!🙂 Touched to hear the details of your day and lives we live across hemispheres with the Love of the same Father. I had tears reading your reply and dont quite know exactly why. Yes we do get door deliveries and have got groceries in. For the larger… grain, flour, rice … owing to larger number of customers in our country, they’re either out of stock or hands to deliver. Today our lanes are barricaded, we can just walk through, not even on bikes. Surely this is for the benefit of all, but is scary all the same. Life isnt quite normal, though as a family it is quieting after a hectic two years. Our son is so much better, was ill and is recovering. Was a nice gentle day. Lazy lunch, long hours of chat, after worship at home and getting together with friends on zoom, calls. An unusual kind of easter, though easter has always been unusual for us. Each year there’s a new thing happens around this time. Now Covid and its aftermath. India is rich with contrasts; we pray for health and safety for all.
      Oh I hope and know you and your sister had a fulfilling day. I have two older sisters, one lives an hour away from me, and the other 3 hours away in a village, she’s an eye doc. Mum and dad passed on, and I do dream of them now and then. I wonder what it all looks like from heaven and how much more this planet can withstand. It hurts to not be able to help folks …I cant imagine what its like in hospitals….
      Trusting this whole thing goes away as quick as it arrived.
      And that you and yours have beautiful days ahead.


  3. He waited, oh so ptiently,
    he waited by the road.
    He seemed to wait just for me
    to take away my load.
    He only asked for a bit
    of food to make it through the day,
    and wearing clothes that did not fit,
    he said he couldn’t pay,
    but that he would help me now,
    to be the man that I could be,
    and described exactly how
    he would pray for me:
    “Father, leave his burden where
    he stands, for this man stopped to care.”

    Liked by 1 person

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